Friday, November 21, 2008

Moving, again.

I am so terrified I will ruin this apartment, for the 3rd time. Asthetically I mean. I can't not make it cute. This will be my 3rd time living in the same apartment. It's just whenever I try to move it seems to make itself available, and it really is so cute. I just need to learn how to be an interior designer so I can make it beautiful. I am going to re-paint it I think, and hopefully eventually buy some new fixtures for the kitchen sink and perhaps the bathtub. (it's jetted.) But when I leave again I will be taking them with me. Even though I don't plan on leaving it for a long time this time, since it is obvious I am supposed to be living there until I am done with school. (in 4 years). I have been all over HGTV dot com looking at people's houses and trying to collect some decorating ideas. Good thing I work at Anthro and get such a wonderful discount.
The Lunatic Fringe Shoot is coming up soon. I think I will be getting my hair cut this sunday, or the next. They wont be dying it until about 3 days before the shoot, it is going to be jet black. I am only a little nervous. I wont get the pictures until around June of 09' sorry, but since they are doing it for a national competition that isn't until May (I think) they can't post them on the internet or anything. I will however, be able to see them, so I will tell you if I look disgusting or not.
I really miss my friend Claire.
Thats it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another day at the aquarium.

Went for the second time in a row today, with David and his friend Colby. It was pretty fun, I actually brought my Canon xti and got some decent shots to post on Flickr. I am so interested in Marine life, I am excited to start school since I am taking a class in Marine Biology for Science. Maybe it will be something I will really want to get into, of course I am still doing photography. (all photo's by me. :))

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dreamin' of Coral.

Actually, that's not a coral, it is an Anemone. Found it on flickr, wish I could say I took it, but alas, I didn't. I took my Anemone to Fish 4 U today. It's ok, it will actually survive there! The freaking asshole that sold him to me, did not mention that he is EXTREMELY fragile, needs a mature tank (mine is not) and needs a ton of light. We don't have a ton of light, so we have to buy a new compact tomorrow, because I now have like 4 different corals in there. Yeah...
Found a 20 gal tank on craigslist for only 25 bucks, it comes with a heater and a thermometer too, even a filter, but I wont use it for my SW no way. But luckily all I will need is a filter with a strong current, and bulbs and a way to put them on the tank. I want to get really good at this hobby, I love it to death. I want to have a big tank, with a sump and everything in the back, and all the nice equipment to go along with it. I hope my corals make it. If not at least I tried and will know to wait a while longer before adding any. Supposidly the ones I have are the hardier of the bunch, so I will cross my fingers.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tick, Tock.

(no this is not my goby but mine looks exactly like it, will take pic's later.)

Waah, I hate not working today.
Had to take my Blue Damsel to a pet store today. Got a firefish Goby or "dartfish" and my damsel decided he didn't like him. Too bad, even though Damsels are notoriously aggressive, the blue damsels can go both ways, nice or naughty.. mine was naughty :(. Oh well, we took him to a pet store I had never been before called "Pet's and such", haah. It's in the very luxerious West Valley City :/ so I wasn't expecting much. UM EXCUSE ME? It is the most fucking rediculously awesome store with the most Salt Water fish I have seen in a store around here! They have everything! You can buy coral frags and pipefish and seahorses (or how I have for some reason lately been calling it the "horsefish") and tons of triggers, boxfish, tangs, and even Sting Rays and sharks. It is so brilliant, and the place doesn't even smell.
I am so anxious for David to get home from work so we can go look around more at the store, and possibly get a little friend for my goby. I am thinking a blenny, or a different Goby, the kind that walk around on the ground mostly, like a watchmen. I love my Aquarium and am now SO excited to get the 55 gal so I can put some big fish in there, like this awesome dogface puffer I saw at the pet store...
I know this might be gross but I swear something smells like peanut butter in here, I don't really eat peanut butter often, but I swear my upper lips smells like it, sorry it's just bugging the shit out of me.
Anyway, I got these awesome new hats from Urban Outfitters, and I am probably getting another one tonight, only because I have a gift card there with 58 bucks still on it, and I get a discount. Schweet.
So I really don't have any friends right now, haha, Lunatic Fringe practice again on sunday, my hair is going to be so badass. Anyway, thats all I got.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok so by now everyone knows Obama won. I am so freaking happy about it too. It really make's me so proud of my country, and usually, sadly, I am kind of ashamed of it.
I think it's kind of hilarious how pretty much the entire world was celebrating, they were probably all holding their breath that we wouldn't mess up again, and we pulled through. It definitely shows how far we have come, especially since we were once completely segregated. Now our president is Black, ha! I love it, see world? We really are a great country, just had a few bumps we needed to get over. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election day is in less then 12 hours.

Let's all cross our fingers.

What will we do after tomorrow?

So far, I think this election has been draining for all of america. I don't think any other election has been watched or monitored so-to-speak as much as this one. I feel like the entire world is watching us, to see if this once great and kind country will completely destroy itself in one final swoop. Hopefully we will do better then we have the past two years, although I am sure what has happened to this country in those two years would have been difficult for any President to handle. I can't imagine being president, I just hope whoever is elected, McCain or Obama, will do something differently, something better, and at this point I don't think either of them could do worse.
Even though I reallllyyyy want Obama to win. My grandpa does not.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Some inspiration

So today I discovered Rodney Smith. My sister-in-law Patricia works for him in New York as his assistant. I decided to finally check him out. She had sent some photo's she had taken in New York while David went with her to help out with one of his shoots. Here are some photo's and then the final. Followed by some of his other work that I love.....

He helped with a few more shots but we are having some trouble tracking them down right now, when we find them though, I will post them.
I'll post my favorites in a New Post after this one.
Also today I went and did a practice with Lunatic Fringe salon for the upcoming photoshoot. Mitch Meyer will be doing the photography and you can see some his work at My hair is going to be awesome and I can't wait for the freakin' shoot!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's 11.

So, yesterday was halloween. The first year I haven't went trick-or-treating. Yes, really. I didn't dress up either, but I think I just was too lazy. We had fun though. Went over to my uncles for a bit and had some pasta salad and cookies that he made. He bribed me with my favorite Olives that he threw in there, if you have never tried Burgundy Olives, specifically caesar parmesan flavor, you really should.
We later went to a party at David's friend Scott's house. It wasn't so bad, except I had to see Ty. Not like we talked to eachother or anything, and I didn't even look his way.
Halloween was not as eventful or fun as it was when I was a child.
Tonight/Today was Olivia (our niece's) Birthday. So we went and hung out for a bit, it was fun. I think Cora is my favorite Sister-in-law of all. If she is, I think she is at least. I feel like she actually likes me unlike Davids real sisters. Anyway, it's getting late but I guess Colby is still on his way here from Lehi to hang out with us, and then we might just show up at Scotts house. I guess it's fine since I don't have to be to the salon for modeling practice until 4 tomorrow. So I am good.