Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dreamin' of Coral.

Actually, that's not a coral, it is an Anemone. Found it on flickr, wish I could say I took it, but alas, I didn't. I took my Anemone to Fish 4 U today. It's ok, it will actually survive there! The freaking asshole that sold him to me, did not mention that he is EXTREMELY fragile, needs a mature tank (mine is not) and needs a ton of light. We don't have a ton of light, so we have to buy a new compact tomorrow, because I now have like 4 different corals in there. Yeah...
Found a 20 gal tank on craigslist for only 25 bucks, it comes with a heater and a thermometer too, even a filter, but I wont use it for my SW no way. But luckily all I will need is a filter with a strong current, and bulbs and a way to put them on the tank. I want to get really good at this hobby, I love it to death. I want to have a big tank, with a sump and everything in the back, and all the nice equipment to go along with it. I hope my corals make it. If not at least I tried and will know to wait a while longer before adding any. Supposidly the ones I have are the hardier of the bunch, so I will cross my fingers.


Mason said...

sooo cool! :) Love your blog!!

Susan @